We’re taking this broken leg one day at a time – and yesterday was a pretty good day! Maxwell wasn’t too happy when he woke up. Maybe it was just the realization that the darn cast wasn’t coming off! But, he perked up quickly and was his happy, smiling self all day.
A few pics in the trusty green chair to document the blue cast…
You can also see in that picture where his head is scraped up from the fall. He’s so tough!
Of course, Susan came with a special surprise and Maxwell was ALL SMILES!
Susan checked out his cast…
and gave him lots of love.
These two ended up having a big adventure at the zoo. Who needs to be able to walk when you can ride in the stroller to see all the animals and ride the train around the entire zoo – twice?!
Thank you SO much for all of your entertainment suggestions. I took a trip to Wal-Mart yesterday and came home with all sorts of play-doh, crayons, finger-paints and even a Leap Pad! Lots of fun ahead for this little guy!
GJ says
Hopefully Maxwell’s killer smile will help the time fly by for everyone and before you know it he’ll be up and running around again1
Aunt Jen says
So glad yesterday was a good day! Hope everyday is a good day here on out. 🙂
Dad says
Big guy is doing so well. Once again I’m a proud dad.
LuLu says
I don’t have any advice since I was in my 50’s when I broke my foot. I had a walking cast for six weeks. I had actually been walking on it for two weeks prior before I ever discovered it was broken! I wish I had had a Susan to keep me entertained! Fortunately, none of the kids ever broke a bone. That is a wonder, considering some of their antics! Maxwell looks like he is coping very well. This will pass pretty quickly. Give him a big hug from us!