Who doesn’t love a good corny joke? You know, the kind you get off of a Laffy Taffy wrapper? Like….what kind of ears does a train have? Engine-ears! hahahahahahaha.
Here’s a list from The Pioneer Woman of some good corny jokes if you need a little chuckle this Friday. Corny Jokes.
We had a great birthday celebration for Robert last night that included a baked-from-scratch cake with made-from-scratch frosting by moi. Pat on my back! The celebration continues with dinner at Highlands Grill tonight in honor of his birthday as well as mine. Did you know my birthday is on Sunday? Yep, 34!
Leaving you for the weekend with 2 pictures of my sweet baby’s face…I love that face.
In fact, I’m going to go kiss on that face right now. Happy weekend!