On Christmas Day, I noticed that Spencer started limping. It wasn’t bad and he never complained about anything hurting, but he definitely had a “hitch in his giddy-up” as they say (and I don’t know who says that besides my mom, btw). Anyway, fast forward 1.5 weeks later and he’s still limping. I called the pediatrician and they said it was best to take him up to the Orthopedic to get him checked out. I actually had a doctor appointment Tuesday morning right next door to the Orthopedic so Spencer just got to tag along with me to the doctor. He REALLY didn’t want to go in when we got there (screaming baby in a dead silent waiting room = fun) but I finally got him going on the iPad and he was a happy camper from then on…
We then headed over to the Orthopedic – same doctor that we had seen when Maxwell broke his leg. As much as Spencer didn’t want to into my doctor’s office, he REALLY REALLY didn’t want them messing with him at the ortho! Long story short, after some observed walking (which was really him running after me while screaming crying) and x-rays, it was determined that Spencer hurt his foot but didn’t hurt it very bad. I got a little confused when the doctor was telling me what happened but, from what I understand, he hurt the top of his foot which is primarily ligaments and possibly did a little damage to the bone. Whatever is wrong, it’s not bad enough to actually do anything about and will heal itself. The doctor said to just give him Motrin if it bothers him and he’ll be back to normal in no time. Thank goodess! I’ll tell you one thing – Spencer was glad to be out of that doctor’s office when he appointment was over!
His limp has not slowed him down at all!
Another funny Spencey story – yesterday for breakfast I gave the boys some mini muffins that they have each had several times before (we’re all about nutrition over here!). About 10 minutes later, I looked at Spencer’s plate and it was totally clean….all the muffins AND THE PAPER WRAPPERS were gone. Robert and I started cracking up when we realized that he had just gobbled down the paper wrappers with his muffins! Goodness gracious. I guess he was hungry!! or possibly distracted by the iPad. It obviously didn’t bother him but I’m so glad to know that, while he won’t eat a majority of the food I make, he will eat paper. ha!
Thankfully the muffins were about 1/5 the size of this giant one!
Yesterday was also back to school for the boys – finally! Instead of taking Teddy Tennis on Friday afternoons like he did first semester, Maxwell is doing Soccer Shots on Wednesday mornings at 8am before school. I’m planning to take Spencer to PlayPals during that hour so I don’t have to do two drop-offs. We all made it to school by 8am yesterday and both boys seemed to love their activities so win-win for now! We’ll see if we can get there that early when #3 is tagging along too!
Finally, when I picked Spencer up yesterday, Ms. Alice even commented on how much more he was talking than before Christmas break. She said it was just night and day! Hooray! Here he is trying to back himself into the corner and not put his coat on to leave school…
Don’t worry, I got coats on both of them because it’s FREEZING here!
Have a good and warm day!