Well, here we are. Our last monthly photo shoot EVER!! Samantha at 12 months…
and Spencer at 12 months…
This baby is just a JOY. A happy, giggly, easy piece of pie! except for maybe during the 5:00 to 6:00pm hour! 🙂
Showing off her 4 teeth!
She’s a talker and has clear words – MaMa, DaDa, No No (complete with head shake and wag of finger!), Nigh Nigh (for night night), and Bye Bye. She can also sign for “more” and almost has “please” down too. She can patty cake and blow kisses and click her tongue and charm anyone she wants!
She’s a great sleeper – still taking 2 naps a day – around 9am and 1pm. She goes to bed around 7pm and gets up around 6:30am. She’s still nursing 3 times a day but loves her food too! Butternut squash, apples, chicken salad, cheerios – she eats it up!
She’s not that interested in any of her toys – she much prefers to empty out the craft cabinet or pull things off the shelves of the pantry. She also loves to go poke around whatever her brothers are doing which produces many “Baby Noooo!” screams!
(I mean…that profile!)
She’s not walking yet but pulls up on everything and cruises all around the furniture. Nothing is slowing her down!
I love her. I love her so much. I know I keep saying this but I just can’t believe she’s real and she’s mine. We made it through the first year and I can’t wait to see what this little girl does in all the years to come!
So, now we say “See ya!” to the monthly photo shoots!
Yep, bye-bye!
We love you sweet Samantha!!
Happy 12 months!
All the monthly photo shoots of all 3 babies here!