Well, Maxwell had a boot when he was 2, Spencer had a boot when he was 7, so Samantha didn’t want to be left out and got a boot last week!
She hurt it jumping on the trampoline – with a ball – last Friday. She played her soccer game the next day on it but it hurt pretty bad. When she was still complaining Monday after school I decided it was time to go to the doctor. We went up to OS1 which is a pediatric walk-in orthopedic clinic and it was fantastic. Thankfully nothing is broken. She just has some strained ligaments and needs to wear a boot for 7 to 10 days. That deserved a pink drink from Starbucks of course!
She made the best of it at school last week…
Even wore that boot for PJ day!
Then she decided to play in her soccer games this past weekend. We wrapped it up and she managed but she’s got the boot back on this week and still staying out of tumble.
It will be all healed up soon and she’ll be back good as new in no time.